Students are informed about the potential consequences of their actions, aiding them in decision-making. Fairness is crucial in disciplined decisions, promoting problem-solving and leadership qualities. Consistently applying discipline and regulations builds trust and fosters a positive attitude.
Setting Goals and Establishing Productivity
To foster higher learning, institutions establish goals set by the school board. The school commits to address these objectives throughout the educational process. These goals help schools align with community expectations and hold educators accountable, ensuring students receive a valuable education linked to the broader world.
Violence / Intolerance to violence
“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”
Conflicts naturally arise in communities, fostering dialogue and diverse perspectives. While not all students may get along, physical altercation should be avoided. A strict policy against violence reinforces consequences that deter fights and promote a safe environment.
An effective bullying policy is more crucial now than ever before. Bullying affects students globally, with incidents on the rise annually. Tragic outcomes such as school dropout or self-harm underscore the urgency of proactive prevention. The school upholds a strong bullying prevention program, respecting individual rights and promoting social harmony through strict measures.
The school strictly prohibits the use of cell phones during educational activities. While valuable as tools, cell phones can lead to unintended consequences and distractions that may hinder future learning opportunities. Monitoring their use among students and staff is essential to ensure an uninterrupted focus on academic preparation.
Students, teachers, and staff deserve to feel both physically and psychologically secure in their learning environment. To achieve this, we uphold stringent safety standards including CCTV surveillance, disaster management protocols, and physical environment safety measures. Additionally, mental health considerations for students and staff are prioritized through policies such as fire drills, anti-bullying measures, and mental health workshops.
Almanac: Every student must carry the Almanac to school daily.
Punctuality: Students who commute independently must arrive at school five minutes before the bell rings.
Personal Hygiene and Uniform: Students should maintain habitual cleanliness and be neatly dressed in school uniform on all working days. Girls are not permitted to apply nail polish or mehndi during the school session. Nails should be trimmed at least once a week. Non-Sikh boys should trim their hair at regular intervals.
Valuables: It is not advisable to bring valuable items to school. Girls may wear very small studs or earrings.
Electronic Devices: Students are prohibited from bringing mobile phones, iPods, cameras, etc., to the school campus. These items will be confiscated if found in possession of students.
Identification and Belongings: The student’s name, class, and section must be clearly marked on the blazer and all belongings.
Classroom Conduct: Changing classrooms between periods should be done silently and in an orderly manner.
Behavioral Expectations: Shouting, loud talking, or whistling is not permitted on school grounds. Students must take care of all school property and refrain from damaging desks, charts, furniture, or walls. Any damage should be reported immediately to the class teacher or Vice Principal. Parents are liable for any damage caused by their child.
Disciplinary Action: The school reserves the right to suspend or expel students whose conduct is detrimental to others or the school.
Food and Refreshments: Students are not allowed to purchase food from vendors outside the school premises. They may carry up to Rs. 50 for refreshments from the cafeteria. Water bottles are provided by the school; bringing tiffin boxes later through drivers or domestic helps is not permitted for safety and security reasons.
Identity Cards: Each student must have two identity cards with their photograph. One card must be worn daily, and the other kept with the parents. Parents picking up students must carry the school identity card for identification purposes.
Telephone Use: Students are not permitted to use the school telephone without permission from the Principal. Phone calls to students during class hours are prohibited.
Parental Visits and Communication: Parents are not allowed to visit their children in classrooms without permission from the Principal or Vice Principal. Regular communication with teachers through the almanac is encouraged to monitor student performance. Meetings with teachers on school days other than designated Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) days require prior approval from the Principal or Vice Principal.
Medical Appointments: Appointments with dentists, doctors, or others should, as far as possible, be scheduled outside of school hours. Requests for early leave for such appointments will not normally be entertained.
If a child needs to be withdrawn from the school, a minimum of one month’s notice in writing is required. Failure to provide this notice will result in a charge equivalent to one month’s fee.
Caution Money, if applicable, will be refunded upon withdrawal of the child from the school. To claim the refund, parents must submit the Caution Money Deposit Receipt along with an application on the prescribed form, ensuring all school dues have been settled satisfactorily. Refunds must be claimed within one year from the date of withdrawal.
Transfer Certificates will be issued only after the Accounts Office receives a duly completed clearance form.
- Students are encouraged to aim for 100% Special merit points and awards will be given to students achieving 100% attendance in each class.
- Every student is expected to maintain a minimum attendance record of 90% throughout the academic Failure to meet this requirement may result in the student being ineligible to sit for the Annual examinations.
- For any absence, a written leave application must be submitted by the parent to the Principal. Medical certificates are required for sick leave exceeding three days. Students recovering from communicable diseases must present a fitness certificate from a qualified doctor before returning to school.
- Continuous unauthorized or unexplained absence for more than six consecutive days may lead to the student’s name being removed from the Re-admission may be considered solely at the Principal’s discretion.
- Parents are required to fill out the “Record for Non-Attendance” for each day their child is absent from school, specifying the reasons for absence.