On February 20th of every year the WORLD DAY OF SOCIAL JUSTICE is celebrated. There are many social justice issues in the world today. Gender inequality, systemic racism and unemployment are just a few. Since 2009, every February 20th has been the UN observance known as “World Day of Social Justice”. Over the recent years, the idea of social injustice has been classified into five different components: The dignity of the human being, primacy of the common good, reciprocal rights and responsibilities, the dignity of workers and rights for workers and last but not least- fundamental options for the poor and the vulnerable.

These five concepts and many more are what is at the heart of the United Nations and its push for human dignity and equality for all.

The purpose of the day is to focus on the plight of social injustice throughout the world and to press for improvements and solutions . The day also pledged to promote equitable distribution of income and greater access to resources through equity and equality for all. World Day of Social Justice recognises the need to promote efforts to tackle such issues and make the world a better place to live in.